Thursday, May 26, 2011

Looking Back

This summer I will have been shooting officially for two years. Just recently I decided to start a scrapbook dedicated to my archery and it has given me the opportunity to compare the "then" to the "now." My.....what a comparison it has been. Just think, two years ago this summer I was shooting a 20 pound traditional bow at 3D targets I was LUCKY to hit, not to mention score well. Since then I have seen State in the pouring rain, Nationals (also in the pouring rain, I was beginning to think I was cursed), the Gator Cup, and more. I have been so blessed to have the experiences I have had, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

At the start of the two-year mark my coaching staff (I have enough of them!!!) and I have decided to work on a new shooting method. The B.E.S.T., or Biomechanically Efficient Shooting Technique is what Coach Lee (the coach that brought over this technique from Korea) has named this monster. Ladies and gentlemen, let me just tell you how politically correct addicted our country is getting. This method is actually no longer called the B.E.S.T. method. It is now called NTS, the National Training System. People in this God-blessed country have whined about it being called the B.E.S.T. method.

"What makes YOUR method the best?!?!"

"How is YOUR method better than ours?!?!"

Little did these people pay attention, for if they had, they may have realized the B.E.S.T. is an acronym, not an adjective. However, this is still the greatest country on Earth and I wouldn't have it any other way.

In conclusion, I have been working on the method for a whopping 6 whole days. In these 6 days I have learned that in order to break two-year-old habits you MUST have a strength that is NOT your own. If it weren't for God I don't think that I would ever have made it these six days, not to mention the rest of my archery career!