Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sorry for the wait!!

Sorry guys,

Things got sooo busy since my last post that I wasn't able to finish "Our Texas Adventure." Good news is we won third place in all competitions, as well as third place overall for recurve archery. It was a great experience and I would recommend it for all archers wanting an entry-level competition experience.

A couple weeks after Texas I competed in a 900 Round in Atlanta. By God's grace I pulled out with third place. If there were any more people in my division I wouldn't have been that lucky. I had what you call a BAD DAY. My mind wasn't where it should have been and my shooting showed it. I pulled it out the last four rounds......after some sweat and tears. It just goes to show that archery is just as much a mental game as it is an athletic one.

Not only did a get a pretty cool medal for coming away with third, I got the privilege to go, if I so choose, to the 2011 National State Games in San Diego, CA. I can tell you that I am SOOOO looking forward to that!

Now.......the Gator Cup. For those of you that don't know, this past October was the first annual Gator Cup in Newberry, FL, not too far from Gainesville, FL (chomp chomp!!). I tell you what, I have never felt so small and humbled as I did walking onto that range. My dad and I got there a couple days early so we could get used to the feel of the area. As this being the FIRST tournament I had EVER shot 70 meters in, I am glad we did. The unofficial practice day was definitely one for the books. We fixed some string issues that I was having (my string had lost some twists, so I was shooting lower), plus I got a good look at the "competition." I type that with quotes because I really was no match for any of the shooters out there.

That practice day I shot one person down from Brady Ellision, the top male recurve archer in the world, and a couple people down from Katuna Lorig, four (soon to be five) time Olympian. WOW!

Long story short I had a great time and learned a lot. I didn't win any medals but I got a lot of great tips and knowledge, which trumps medal any day (well, almost any day). I thank God each and every day to be able to have GREAT experiences and meet GREAT people in this great Circle of Archery.

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